We understand that having your racket restrung is normally an inconvenience you could do without.
Trying to find a sports shop that offers a restringing service, parking headaches, fuel costs to get there and back and above all, the time it takes to finally get your racket back. It can leave you feeling whether its worth all the bother!
Scotstrings are different.
When booking a restring through our online booking service choose the shipping option;
Pick Up / Drop Off - (restrings only) £6 *
So how does it work?
We will come to your home or your workplace at a pre-arranged time to collect your racket/s. They will be restrung at our workshop and dropped back off, again at a pre-arranged time.
It`s that simple. We couldn't make it any easier if we tried!
Post Code Areas covered by this service;
Pickup / Drop Off is every Tuesday for all areas.
* The fee is waivered should you register your local club under our Club Discount Scheme
Here's a tip!
Order any number of grips from our online store, and these can be delivered with your completed restring order at no additional cost!